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Trusts and Estates Attorneys in Granite Bay, California

For decades, Herrig, Vogt & Hensley, LLP has provided legal services to clients related to all aspects of the California Probate Code.

Our practice focuses on trust and estate litigation, estate plan creation, trust and probate administration, conservatorships, and guardianships.


Our attorneys represent clients in all roles of trust and estate litigation, including fiduciaries (trustee, executors, and administrators), beneficiaries, and interested family members and third parties. Disputes range from control of assets such as real property to contests of estate planning documents and elder abuse claims. While some disputes may be resolved through informal negotiation and mediation, some disputes can only be resolved through trial. Our litigation attorneys are experienced advocates for our clients, and help each client navigate this stressful process.

In addition, our attorneys represent family members in conservatorship disputes, contested guardianships, and pursue claims that unmarried partners may have against the estates of their deceased partner.


Estate planning includes creation of a trust, will, power of attorney, advance health care directive, and more! A comprehensive estate plan will save your family significant stress, time, and money. Our estate planning attorneys will prepare a comprehensive and personalized estate plan that gives you security and confidence that your wishes will be carried out. Rely on our knowledge and experience to guide you. Connect with us today to schedule a free consultation!


After the Settlor passes away, their successor trustee must administer the terms of their trust. Our attorneys ensure that the trustee properly interprets the terms of the trust, complies with all trustee duties under the California Probate Code, and guides trustees through the trust administration process. By hiring Herrig, Vogt & Hensley, LLP, the trustee protects themselves from liability and litigation that often arises when the trustee is unfamiliar with trust administration.


After someone passes away, a personal representative must lodge their will with the probate court, or if there is no will, petition the probate court for authority to manage the estate. Our attorneys ensure the administrator properly interprets the terms of the will, complies with all their duties under the California Probate Code, and guides the administrator through probate process. By hiring Herrig, Vogt & Hensley, LLP, the administrator protects themselves from liability and litigation that often arises when they are unfamiliar with the probate process and their duties under the Probate Code.


An adult loses capacity when they cannot properly make decisions or care for their personal or financial well-being. If an adult loses capacity, and does not have an estate plan in place, establishing a Conservatorship allows you to manage their personal and financial decisions for them under court supervision. By hiring Herrig, Vogt & Hensley, LLP, you will receive personalized service to ensure your loved one is properly cared for, and our attorneys will guide you through the conservatorship process.


In the event that you and your partner pass away before your children reach the age of 18, the court will have to appoint a guardian to provide for their care. The same is true if you are caring for a disabled adult child. Additionally, if a minor is the named recipient of certain assets, such as life insurance, a guardian of their estate will need to be appointed. By hiring Herrig, Vogt & Hensley, LLP, you will receive personalized service to ensure your loved one is properly cared for, and our attorneys will guide you through the guardianship process.

Additionally, when you create an estate plan with Herrig, Vogt & Hensley, LLP, we ensure that you have a guardianship provision in place for your minor children or disabled adult children. This provision allows you to nominate the person you trust most to care for your minor children if you are no longer able to do so.

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